Spousal Support

Spousal support or spousal maintenance, often referred to as alimony, is court-ordered financial support paid from one spouse to the other. The purpose of spousal support is to avoid any unfair economic consequences resulting from divorce.

Arizona Courts may award spousal support for various reasons. The amount, duration, and type of support can vary depending on the circumstances of each case.

Some examples of different kinds of spousal support in Arizona:

  • Spousal support during the divorce proceedings. This type of support only applies during the separation. A new order is issued in the final divorce decree.

  • Limited spousal support. A type of support meant to compensate a spouse who contributed significantly to the other spouse’s higher education or career advancement.

  • Rehabilitative spousal support. It is intended to temporarily provide support so the spouse who was out of the workforce can gain the skills, training, or education required to increase their earning capacity and eventually support themselves.

  • Permanent spousal support. While rarely awarded, this type of support has no end date. It is most often awarded in long-term marriages when one spouse cannot work due to disability, illness, or age.

    Courts consider various factors when deciding whether to award spousal support, how much to grant and how long the payments should continue. Some factors may include:

    • How long the marriage lasted

    • The earning capacity of each spouse and their ability to find suitable work

    • Whether a spouse has enough assets to support themselves following the divorce

    • Personal financial resources and property, including any business or business assets either spouse owns.

    • The standard of living during the marriage

    • Whether one spouse made significant contributions to the other spouse’s higher education or career advancement

    • The spouse’s ability to pay support

    • The division of assets which may help the spouse support themselves

    • Child support payments (if applicable)

    The court may also consider any other relevant circumstances in determining spousal support.

    If you are seeking spousal support, or spousal support is being sought from you, your financial interests must be protected. We will advocate for you while ensuring you understand your rights along the way.