
"Adoption – because family isn't made from blood, it's made from love." — Author Unknown

Adoption is near and dear to our hearts. With three beautiful, adopted children of our own, we know that adoption can bring so much hope, joy, and excitement to those involved. We also recognize that adoption can come with many complexities, including trauma. Our number one priority is helping you advocate for your child, their needs, and your family's needs. 

Adoption is the legal transfer of all parental rights from one individual or couple to another individual or couple. Adoptive parents assume the same responsibilities and rights as biological parents.

We handle a variety of adoption cases, such as;

  • Termination of Parental Rights

  • Foster Care Adoptions

  • Foster Care Help

  • Private Adoptions

  • Contested Adoption

  • Uncontested Adoption

  • Kinship Adoptions

  • Adult Adoption

  • Stepparent Adoption