Child Support

Child support is a delicate topic. Understanding your rights is essential whether you are seeking child support or it is being sought from you.

Receiving the amount of child support you are entitled to is crucial in your ability to provide for your children.

Both parents have the duty and responsibility to support their children financially, whether the children live with them or not.

The law requires courts to consider various factors when determining who should pay child support and the payment amount. Some of these factors include:

  • The financial resources and needs of the child

  • The financial resources and needs of each parent

  • The current legal decision-making and parenting time orders

  • Whether child care is necessary and the amount each parent should contribute to child care

  • Which parent will provide health insurance for the child, the child's medical support needs, the availability of medical insurance or services provided by the Arizona health care cost containment system, and whether a cash medical support order is necessary

  • The physical and emotional needs of the child

  • The child's educational needs

  • Whether either parent has other children they have to support

  • Whether a parent is also paying spousal support (alimony)

  • Any special needs of the child