
Accusations of child abuse or neglect and an investigation by D.C.S. can be challenging, stressful, and potentially life-changing. These allegations of abuse or neglect often come from family members, teachers, medical providers, or others considered mandated reporters under A.R.S. § 13-3620.

The Department of Child Safety, commonly referred to as D.C.S. and formerly known as C.P.S., investigates these allegations. D.C.S. may deem it necessary to take immediate action, including the immediate removal of a child from their parent. In some cases, children are allowed to remain in the home with services provided to both parent and child.

The temporary custody statute, A.R.S. § 8-821(A), requires that "probable cause exists to believe that temporary custody is clearly necessary to protect the child from suffering abuse or neglect and it is contrary to the child's welfare to remain in the home." D.C.S. must file a dependency petition within 72 hours of taking temporary custody, according to A.R.S. § 8-824(F).

Matters involving D.C.S. are sensitive, difficult, and often overwhelming to those involved. If you or your family find yourself in the middle of a D.C.S. investigation, we can provide compassionate support and professional representation as we advocate for the best interest of you and your family.